Old Dogs and their new tricks

Today I was reacquainted with a long lost love, the fish plant. There is something about these places that simply inspired so many things for me. They stand in the middle of communities and yet represent hard labour in cold dank spaces with cement floors. And they do seem to carry a certain fishy odour so no one wants to live next to them.

To me, they seem oddly attractive; alluring even. I have always been attracted to landscapes marked by industry and commerce. The sheets of sheet metal, corrugated or not become silky surfaces where one can tough the effects of time.
These landscapes speak of how we see the land and how we use it as we see fit. This is all changing now, there is a new appreciating for the impact of human life on the planet.

This is my second day here. I was pretty productive, getting to find those special spots to explore and meeting a few local folk. One hello even invited me into his home to show me some of his special objects. The living room was full of classic books and curious objects from around the world. I am certain I will visit again.

I also recorded some sound at the government wharf, today was not a big day for the fishermen, those ships stayed in port. But a Coast Guard cutter and many pleasure craft were out and about on this remarkably beautiful day.