Author: GedeonCom
Busy Fall Coming for the Fish Plants
The CURRA symposium is coming soon and so is the Fishing for the Future Film Festival, both in Norris Point. It will also be the premiere of my fish plant work. I have finally come up with a title, simple but somehow evocative: “Plant”. It suggests growth at first glance. Below, a few outtakes. I was quite amused with the sight of cod drying on a cod pot in Trout river. I did the shot in colour (digital) too, but somehow I like the pathos in this one more since it is more subdued.
I am quite excited at finally getting to see the work up. I am hoping to show it in multiple sites in the community of Norris Point. It is really only when we see the work up on its own and being handed over to a public that we get any sense of how well the work went. We are always sure of our methodologies, skill sets and creative instincts; but it is only when the work enters into a dialogue that the work actually gains a sense of conclusion.
Swimming, it was my favourite thing to do my whole life. Until the last couple of years where I have developed an odd aversion to it, though I still really enjoy being in the water. I would swim almost every day and, in the summer, I could not wait to find a pond, a river or an ocean to jump into. Really, it seems to be the quiet…
A great awesome silence where you get to hear your body’s workings, oddly amplified by water vibration. A silence that has a beat and a rhythm that can be controlled with a bit of concentration. Sped up a beat or two per minute, then slowed down; the breath becoming a longer harmonic sequence. A rush of air through a pipe, a much longer loop. Then there are odd muffled sounds coming from “outside”. Quiet does not necessarily mean the absence of sound, it is more a question of the opportunity to hear those sounds that don’t cry for quite as much attention.
Images of that quiet; images that make the sound of quiet.