Casting Nets At Stars… so far.

Working on video, making sound when waiting for video to render. I play with a lot of handiwork on the video and the need to render is pretty constant. But, it is time for making sounds.
Today, it started with trying to create a drone like pattern from my synthesizer, it is indeed a synthesizer but it is beat driven, using very clear bits per sequence, always divisible by 8. I get how that creates a multitude of possible rhythm combinatorics, but for creating lengthier subtle motions it is not as agile. But I shall soon have a synthesizer that includes a sequencer but is not dependent on it. This should change things considerably.
Then it was just a question of bringing in other elements.
I have amassed a huge library of samples and sounds collected since my arrival here. Each sound is representative of the place and also the moment I spent in the location I was recording. Trying to be observant, see past the advertising and see the place. And it is just as lovely.
This is a very positive experience to be here on a residency in Twillingate where I have time and space to create work. For me, I don’t really start with a big idea or plan. I have a very strong kinship to the concept that the process is the product; it is by the very fact that you make it that your express yourself, the finished product is but a reasonable facsimile of that experience. I am exploring sound art because I can invite an audience to be part of the process; there are no promises of good or bad. Just experience.
I am also including a couple of links to work-in-progress videos for this work in Twillingate. They will be projected while I perform. I a thinking of a white sheet cut into strips and each one weighted down a bit and a fan blowing on that surface. The work is not about plot lines or stories, they are simply moving paintings.
Special BONUS Track!!! AT the whole cost of nothing 🙂