Author: GedeonCom
Slow but ever so steady.

Moor Mischief
My set-up is getting more refined and I am getting much better recordings for the purpose of streaming or putting things online with decent quality. This is not so much about what you see me doing… please close your eyes if you will… it is about the sounds as they surround you.
And as a bonus, the unvideoized version, needed to be a bit shorter to permit upload. These will all be part of an album to be available at BandCamp.
There is always some stuff happening between the other stuff’s happenings.
More Burrell and a couple more things.
Just exploring and continuing to return to some places that I felt some kind of attraction to is something that I have realized is part of my process. If I look at my many years doing this, either by photography or now sound, the bulk of my observation seems to happen within a 5 km range of where I live.
Part of it is probably that this is the only way we can access minutia with unyoking of attentiveness. How we can see the big in the small.
The root cellars (potato barns in New Brunswick) here are quite spectacular, I have seen several on Newfoundland and a few there. But I have not seen very many that make quite as bold a statement in their landscape as these.