Wow, have been here a week and have not posted yet (my bad).

the view from my studio window
A part of me wants to be careful I am not boasting because it is not my intention. I cannot help but feel that these wonderful opportunities are privileges and must be treated as such, responsibilities. I am here with a pretty diverse and fascinating group of artists: http://www.arteles.org/residents.html. Our hosts are generous and supportive.
I hit the ground running, ignoring jet lag for the sake of making sure I would not waste this opportunity. I want to be conscious of the experience, have it enter me and become part of me, so that it becomes part of my process ’till the process is done (death); whenever that is. It cannot be allowed to stop. This is what I am realizing is my work concept. A slow rolling film credit of construction and destruction and construction; allowing coincidence and happenstance a place in my soul.

electric-blue 2, Tampere Finland
Paid the price, got a slap from Mr.Cold and had to lie low yesterday; but the time of reflection was good. Got me to drop a few lines of babble here. The road is open and there is always a turn to keep one moving forward to see what is around it, and the next one and the next one. (little nod to Mishima).
In terms of work… been teaching myself programming with Processing. Did a small piece of Code Verse where the code is a poem. A poem that does work, silence, awareness and existence are variable that influence each other in a generative space- forever changing despite our best efforts to contain it. I am pretty happy with the idea and will continue to use it throughout my stay to see where it will lead as it becomes more complex. code-verse_02
As is the usual, collecting is the norm; sounds, motions, images are starting to accumulate enough to begin playing. That is today’s plan.

electric-blue, Tampere Finland