Orange is the new “that” colour.

The “secret” societies, oddly they work for good but do so with a blanket of secrecy that is really interesting. That no members have felt the compulsion to write it all down in a “tell all” book, revealing all the rituals and rites of ceremony is, indeed, incredible.
This seems so anachronistic to the open book policy our affirmative politics seem to point us towards. But again, I am drawn and fasciated with these institutions and how they manifest themselves in the oddest of places.

My Acadian upbringing in Moncton gives me a particular perspective on Orangemen, but coming to Newfounland and actually getting to commiserate with members of the order, I come to see another point of view. Not excusing past goings on but putting them in their proper context as time and place should inevitably allow us to do.