Brian Massumi
Swimming, it was my favourite thing to do my whole life. Until the last couple of years where I have developed an odd aversion to it, though I still really enjoy being in the water. I would swim almost every day and, in the summer, I could not wait to find a pond, a river or an ocean to jump into. Really, it seems to be the quiet…
A great awesome silence where you get to hear your body’s workings, oddly amplified by water vibration. A silence that has a beat and a rhythm that can be controlled with a bit of concentration. Sped up a beat or two per minute, then slowed down; the breath becoming a longer harmonic sequence. A rush of air through a pipe, a much longer loop. Then there are odd muffled sounds coming from “outside”. Quiet does not necessarily mean the absence of sound, it is more a question of the opportunity to hear those sounds that don’t cry for quite as much attention.
Images of that quiet; images that make the sound of quiet.
7 Minutes of Terror
Wow… talk about trying to stir up some excitement around a space launch. I can’t wait for it myself, I am a bit of a space nut; not so much the nitty gritty science of it but more how it can be conceptualized as truly exciting place to look for human creativity. I got this link to a video on APOD; it is the only website I visit on a fervent basis. Curiosity.
Deceased cats.
But more to the point, this video is actually quite hilarious, it is dramatically over cooked by about 15 minutes at 500 degrees Celsius. It is lurid and pornographic in a twisted way.
The Wringing in Your Ear
The Wringing in Your Ear from Pierre LeBlanc on Vimeo.