Psychic TV
BOOM… Sproing.
This new work with sound has got me completely enraptured, and about as insecure as it gets. I know that what I am doing needs to be done live (it sounds pretty good as a recording too, but that’s not the point). It seems that I enjoy the shifts and differences that come with each time I do it better and better. But when I consider all the mistakes I deal with when I am playing with the gear, I shudder at the thought of doing that in front of an audience. But at the same time that might be the point of it anyway.
I still like to play around with PhotoShop and explore ways of creating sequences. The software allows me to do that in space as well as linearly. I never liked cutting holes in photographs and quite honestly never had the patience for it. But this is different, there is a fluidity and a level of control that makes it into something more like clay.