Slow Travel
The Reports [in ste:re:o]
Finally took the leap and created an account on SoundCloud. I hesitated so long because I just did not want to be signed up to yet another service. Someday, hopefully soon, there will be a way to integrate all these services in a direct and efficient application and database. But I digress,convenience put aside, this is becoming a more and more effective platform to distribute as well as archive work. Barring any disastrous event, files on the cloud will live on, continually being reformatted to fit evolutionary leaps in encryption and file structuring paradigms. So there is indeed something to this.
Things are written
There for a few hot days and rainy [even]ings.
Indexical markings, turning to wax, to oil to… an image made by an in[divid]ual existing in by(tes).
High water leaving stains on walls; becoming a comme:mor:ation of its m/ark. Nature to culture.