Another one for the collection, I am starting to sense a cohesion in the work, something I can evolve into a project of a larger scope. At this particular time, I am thinking about the potential of having 100 or so copies printed on vinyl. The are services available through the hosts where I post my work, it is simply a matter of assembling enough funds to but the first 50 or something like that.
I think it would be fun and exciting to plan all the imaging and material that would be included in the package. I foresee a booklet with bits of information on this this area and the time I spent here working. I would certainly give half of the copies to the committee who would than have a physical object to offer people… from a digital festival no less.
Working on video, making sound when waiting for video to render. I play with a lot of handiwork on the video and the need to render is pretty constant. But, it is time for making sounds.
Today, it started with trying to create a drone like pattern from my synthesizer, it is indeed a synthesizer but it is beat driven, using very clear bits per sequence, always divisible by 8. I get how that creates a multitude of possible rhythm combinatorics, but for creating lengthier subtle motions it is not as agile. But I shall soon have a synthesizer that includes a sequencer but is not dependent on it. This should change things considerably.
Then it was just a question of bringing in other elements.
I have amassed a huge library of samples and sounds collected since my arrival here. Each sound is representative of the place and also the moment I spent in the location I was recording. Trying to be observant, see past the advertising and see the place. And it is just as lovely.
Casting Nets Out At Stars
This is a very positive experience to be here on a residency in Twillingate where I have time and space to create work. For me, I don’t really start with a big idea or plan. I have a very strong kinship to the concept that the process is the product; it is by the very fact that you make it that your express yourself, the finished product is but a reasonable facsimile of that experience. I am exploring sound art because I can invite an audience to be part of the process; there are no promises of good or bad. Just experience.
I am also including a couple of links to work-in-progress videos for this work in Twillingate. They will be projected while I perform. I a thinking of a white sheet cut into strips and each one weighted down a bit and a fan blowing on that surface. The work is not about plot lines or stories, they are simply moving paintings.
Drive (mirror version)
Drive (trip version)
Special BONUS Track!!! AT the whole cost of nothing 🙂
Just exploring and continuing to return to some places that I felt some kind of attraction to is something that I have realized is part of my process. If I look at my many years doing this, either by photography or now sound, the bulk of my observation seems to happen within a 5 km range of where I live.
Part of it is probably that this is the only way we can access minutia with unyoking of attentiveness. How we can see the big in the small.
Two different coves, one same angle of approach. Different results, sometimes doing the same thing over and over yields results.
The root cellars (potato barns in New Brunswick) here are quite spectacular, I have seen several on Newfoundland and a few there. But I have not seen very many that make quite as bold a statement in their landscape as these.
Two doored potato barn.The opposite of camouflaged. Not to mention a long way to get a turnip.
My post is a little late, not the usual 23:23 time slot, lots of rendering and tweaking last night so I am getting at this first thing. Not much to say with words today, but the work is quite well suited to replace my words. Besides, words are for categorizing and controlling according to Burroughs.
Work in Progress
Yesterday was a very busy day of capturing sounds and images. It was quite windy and many interesting ideas came from that.